What Is Eyelid Surgery Philippines?
Eyelid surgery is a procedure to augment the effects of droopy eyelids, eye bags and sagging eyelids which involves the removal of excess skin, muscle and fat. This generally occurs as you age and your eyelids stretch and the muscles supporting them weaken.
As you age, your eyelids stretch, and the muscles supporting them weaken. Additionally excess fat may gather above and beyond below your eyelids causing sagging eyebrows, droopy upper eyelids and bags or dark circles around your eyes
The result is physically making you look older and severely sagging skin around your eyes can reduce your peripheral vision especially the upper and outer parts of your field of vision
Benefits Of Eyelid Surgery Philippines!
You might consider upper eyelid surgery procedure if droopy or sagging eyelids keep your eyes from opening completely or pull down your lower eyelids impairing your overall physical vision. Removing excess tissue from your upper eyelids can improve your vision tremendously.
Upper lid eyelid surgery and lower lid eyelid surgery (eyelid surgery lower) can make your eyes appear younger and more alert giving you a fresh facial appearance.
Eyelid surgery may be an option if you have: baggy or droopy upper eyelids, excess skin of the upper eyelids that interferes with your peripheral vision, excess skin on the lower eyelids and bags under your eyes.
Eyelid surgery can reduce or eliminate these vision problems and make your eyes appear younger and more alert.
Eyelid Surgery Philippines: What Are The Risks?
With eyelid surgery, there are potential risks and complications. The major risks of eyelid surgery include infection, bleeding, scarring, inability to close the eyes, dry eye, abnormal eyelid position, double vision, and loss of vision.
Eyelid Surgery Philippines Or Eyelid Removal: How It’s Done!
The eyelid surgery procedure is done on an outpatient basis under a local anesthesia applied to the surrounding area to minimize any pair or IV sedation to help you relax.
During eyelid surgery procedure, the cosmetic surgeon cuts along the creases of your eyelids to trim sagging skin and muscle and remove excess fat. After the excess tissue is removed, your surgeon joins the skin with tiny stitches.
What Is Double Eyelid Surgery Philippines?
Double eyelid surgery Philippines, or Asian eyelid surgery, is a cosmetic procedure to create an upper eyelid crease for patients without a natural eyelid fold commonly found in Asians.
A double eyelid surgery is actually a eyelid surgery to create an eyelid that shows the crease that causes it to have “double” over itself. Having double eyelid is very common in people from different regions particularly in Asians seeking eyelid surgery.
The cosmetic surgery procedure to create double eyelids supposedly makes your eyes look bigger, which is a definitely a the main goal for many Asians seeking the double eyelid surgery procedure.
For many East Asians, particularly in South Korea and China, double eyelids are one of those beauty standards that is regarded as one of the most sought after.
Mono Eyelid Surgery
Mono eyelid surgery is an eyelid surgery to create no visible crease line below your brow area. In comparison a double eyelid, mono eyelid surgery is to create a a single eyelid.
Patients with mono lids will usually have a flat space without any folds when they keep their eyes open and do not have any visible normal eye creases.
What Is Full Incisional Double Eyelid Surgery?
The full incision double eyelid surgery method is the most common type of double eyelid surgery in Asia, particularly in South Korea.
Considered to produce the most natural look for the long-term it is considered to be the best technique amongst eyelid surgery surgeons to permanently reshape the eyes.
Upper Eyelid Surgery: Eyelid Surgery Upper
If you choose to have upper lid or upper eyelid surgery procedure (eyelid surgery upper), your eyelid surgery surgeon will cut along the fold of the eyelid, removes some excess skin, muscle and possibly fat, and closes the cut.
Lower Lid Eyelid Surgery: Eyelid Surgery Lower
On the eyelid surgery lower (lower lid), the eyelid surgery surgeon makes a cut just below the lashes in your eye’s natural crease or inside the lower lid eyelid surgery. He or she removes or redistributes excess fat, muscle and sagging skin, and closes the cut.
If you choose to have both upper lid eyelid surgery (upper eyelid surgery procedure) and lower lid eyelid surgery the eyelid surgery surgeon generally works on your upper lids first.
Recovery After Eyelid Surgery Philippines
After eyelid surgery you will spend a few hours in the recovery room where you will be monitored for any complications and will be released to rest at home shortly.
After eyelid surgery you may temporarily experience: blurred vision from the lubricating ointment applied to your eyes, watering eyes, light sensitivity, double vision, puffy and numb eyelids, a slight swelling and bruising similar to having black eyes and some slight discomfort.
After upper eyelid surgery (eyelid surgery upper) or lower eyelid surgery (eyelid surgery lower) or if done together upper eyelid and lower eyelid surgery, your new eyelids will feel typically tight; there will be accompanying soreness that may be treated with analgesics or medicines that will be prescribed by your surgeon.
For the first couple of days following the surgery, the incisions should be treated with ointment to keep them lubricated. Cold compresses can be placed on the eyes to reduce swelling as well. Eye drops will be necessary to help keep the eyes from drying out.
It is not recommended that patients avoid showering after upper eyelid surgery (eyelid surgery upper) or lower eyelid surgery (eyelid surgery lower) on the first day after surgery.
Recovery After Upper Eyelid Surgery (Eyelid Surgery Upper): The First Week!
Recovery from eyelid surgery generally takes several weeks. The redness and swelling occurring after the eyelid surgery procedure will fade with time.
In the first week, In the first week after your eyelid surgery or double eyelid procedure, patients should avoid any activities that may dry up the eyes, including reading, watching television, wearing contacts, and using a computer.
Patients will want to make sure that their eyes receive plenty of rest. Swelling and bruising can be minimized by keeping the head elevated as much as possible during the first few days of recovery.
Within two days to a week after your eyelid surgery, the stitches will be removed. Patients may feel well enough to resume normal activities around the a week of recovery.
For the first couple of weeks following the eyelid surgery, dark sunglasses are recommended to protect the eyes from irritation caused by the sun and wind.
Throughout the first three to four weeks after the eyelid surgery, any activities that increase blood flow to the eyes should be avoided, including bending, lifting, sporting activities, and even crying.
Patients will be informed by their physicians when any type of exercise regimen can be resumed.
How Much Is Eyelid Surgery Philippines Cost?
At The Eyelid Surgery Center Philippines we guaranty your eyelid surgery to be the safest, most affordable eyelid surgery Philippines price and the best eyelid surgery Philippines price has to offer.
How much is eyelid surgery Philippines price? At The Eyelid Surgery Center Philippines the current eyelid surgery cost is:
Upper eyelid surgery cost: P45K
Lower eyelid surgery cost: P45K
Upper eyelid surgery cost and lower eyelid surgery cost: P90K
For over 30+ years, we have been providing the best eyelid surgery Philippines surgery at an eyelid surgery Philippines price than everyone can afford.
How Much Is Double Eyelid Surgery Cost Philippines.
Double eyelid surgery Philippines price and double eyelid surgery price Philippines varies from patient to patient as there are different underlying surgical factors.
Come in for a consultation and get the best Double eyelid surgery Philippines price and best double eyelid surgery price Philippines that is guaranteed to be the best double eyelid surgery near me.
Affordable Eyelid Surgery Near Me?
Are you looking to get the best eyelid surgery near me or the best double eyelid surgery near me? The Eyelid Surgery Center Philippines is centrally located in Makati Manila and is the eyelid surgery near me.
For over 30+years we have been providing the best eyelid surgery to thousands of global clients worldwide.
No matter where, The Eyelid Surgery Center Philippines is the best eyelid surgery near me at the best eyelid surgery Philippines price.
Eyelid Surgery Before And After Philippines: Testimonials That Speak For Themselves!
Over the years, we’ve had thousands of positive mono eyelid, upper eyelid and eyelid removal reviews or double eyelid surgery testimonials along with double eyelid surgery before and after pictures.
But eyelid surgery or double eyelid surgery reviews or double eyelid surgery testimonials can’t compare to actual eyelid surgery and double eyelid before and after pictures from actual eyelid surgeries.
At The Eyelid Surgery Center Philippines, we have hundreds and hundreds of double eyelid before and after pictures that we can proudly share with you at the best double eyelid surgery cost Philippines.
Want More Proof? See More Eyelid Surgery Before and After Pictures!
Many eyelid surgeons or eyelid surgery facilities can show you written eyelid surgery testimonials (we have those too) and only a few upper eyelid removal (eyelid upper) or lower eyelid surgery (eyelid lower) before and after pictures.
And anyone can say they do more double eyelid surgeries or do the best eyelid surgery Philippines or even claim that their eyelid surgeries are the most affordable eyelid surgery cost and eyelid surgery Philippines price.
But, can anyone show positive proof that they can give you the best eyelid surgery Philippines at the most cost affordable eyelid surgery Philippines cost and the best eyelid surgery Philippines results.
Come in for a consultation and view more upper eyelid before and after pictures or eyelid removal before and after at a eyelid surgery Philippines price.
Do You Want The Best Eyelid Surgery Philippines?
Imagine if you can take away all these fears of having eyelid surgery to get the best eyelid surgery possible for those perfect eyelids at the best eyelid surgery cost Philippines.
Your best eyelid surgery Philippines price done right the first time 100% patient satisfaction guaranteed. No repeats, no redos, you only get one chance.
At The Eyelid Surgery Center Philippines let our Board Certified eyelid surgeons create those perfect eyelids, we’ve done it time and time again – thousands of times, at the best eyelid surgery cost Philippines.
Who Is The Best Doctor or Surgeon For Eyelid Surgery In The Philippines?
Deciding on having eyelid surgery is one thing but deciding on the right eyelid surgeon for the best results could be a costly gamble at the best eyelid surgery Philippines price.
Get the best eyelid surgeon at The Eyelid Surgery Center. Our U.S. and internationally trained eyelid surgeons are among the best educated, trained and highly skilled medical practitioners in Asia making them among the most capable physicians in the world.
Eyelid Surgery Testimonials That Speak For Themselves
Our Before And After(s)
Your Eyelid Surgery Done Right The First Time
Before And After(s)
Testimonials That Speak For Themselves

The #1 Rated Eyelid Surgery To
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Blepharoplasty, Eye Lid Surgery, Eye Lift,Eye Bag Removal, Dark Circles Surgery,Revision Blepharoplasty, Blepharoplasty w/ Fat Transposition